2019 – What a year

Ivowen attended the Medicines for Europe conference in January (Regulatory and Pharmacovigilance), the annual EuDRAcon conference in May, exhibited at TOPRA in October and joined our clients from around the world at CPhI in November.

We all saw Brexit come and go, Twice !! We wait to see what lies in store for the next deadline in January 2020.

The FMD came into effect across Europe in February in most member states.

Bulgaria joined CESP, eCTD became mandatory for all human procedures, lots of new guidance was published (to keep us all on our toes) and Nitrosamines in medicinal products moved to the top of everyone’s agenda.

With the festive season now upon us and 2020 on the horizon, Ivowen are setting our sights on the year ahead.

We will be attending the Medicines for Europe conference in January 2020 (Regulatory and Pharmacovigilance) and we encourage you to contact us before mid-January with any specific questions you might like us to ‘ask the regulators’. This is a great opportunity to ask those difficult questions that you just could not get a straight answer to in 2019, on the ever present grey areas of Regulatory procedures.

To help you to plan ahead here are some helpful updates, in brief, as full articles will be posted in 2020:

Falsified Medicines Directive – Where we are now:

  • Implemented on 9th Feb 2019 in all MS except Greece, Italy and Belgium
  • The European Commission has produced a video to explain more about the safety features.
  • The HPRA have extended the use and learn period, initially to Sep 2019 and extended it again to end on a phased basis starting from 31st January 2020.
  • The MHRA is also taking a pragmatic, flexible approach to how they enforce the new legal requirements.



Ivowen are here to assist you in 2020 and will continue to provide the top quality service you have come to expect from us.

For more information on Ivowen’s services and how we can help you, contact us.

Written by Alice D’Alton.

Alice Dalton

Referrals to the EMA and CHMP? Keep calm and carry on.

What is a Referral all about?

A Referral to the EMA and CHMP is a procedure used to resolve issues such as concerns over the safety or the benefit-risk balance of a medicine or a class of medicines. The matter is ‘referred’ to the European Medicines Agency, so that its expert committees can make a recommendation for a harmonised position across the European Union.
There are a number of reasons why a Referral may be started, ranging from concerns over the safety of a class of medicine to disagreements among Member States on the use of the medicine.
Whatever the reason, your product going to a Referral is a challenging and most probably an unknown (and unwanted) procedure and unfortunately it would seem in recent years Referral procedures have increased, especially Article 29 and Article 30 Referrals.

Recent success with a complicated fixed combination referral

Ivowen recently guided a company through a successful Article 29(4) Referral. This type of Referral is triggered when there is a disagreement between Member States regarding a medicine being evaluated during a mutual-recognition or decentralised procedure, on the grounds of a potential serious risk to public health.
With all the “big players” involved in the concerned decentralised procedure; United Kingdom, Germany, France, Spain, Portugal, Austria, Belgium, Croatia, Ireland, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, this Referral was challenging in more ways than one.

However, on 18 May 2017, the EMA completed the arbitration procedure. The Agency’s Committee for Medicinal Products for Human Use (CHMP) concluded that the benefits of the product outweigh its risks, and the marketing authorisation can be granted. Information regarding this Referral procedure can be found on the EMA website.

Need help with a Referral?

If your products are heading into any Referral, be it an Article 29, 30, 31, 35 or 36, and you need support; from talking you through the complicated timetable, supplying quality and clinical support to the provision of translations why not contact Ivowen to help you through this daunting task?